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Physiotherapists assess, Plan and implement rehabilitations programs that improve or restore human motor functions, maximize movement ability, relieve pain syndromes, and treat or prevent physical challenges associated with injuries diseases and other impairments. They apply a broad rang of physical therapies and techniques such as movement, ultrasound, heating, laser and other techniques. They may develop and implement programmes for screening and prevention of common physical ailments and disorders.

In NEMCH, Physical therapy department have male & female qualified & experienced physiotherapist with support stuff & all modern well equipped meche.

Opening daily with 9 am to 5pm (except Friday & govt.  Holiday)


Service Provide by the department:

  • Musculoskeletal & reumatological physiotherapy.
  • Sports injury & sports physiotherapy.
  • Acupuncture & dry-needling
  • Pre-& Post Natal physiotherapy(Gynecological physiotherapy)
  • Chest physiotherapy.
  • Pediatrics /CP& Congenital deformity.
  • Exercise for pre & post-surgical orthopedic & Neurological condition.
  • Mobilization/ Manipulation adjustment.
  • Tapping/ LASER Therapy.