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Scientific seminar on “Recent Advancement in Genito- Urinary Malignancies”.

Dear Colleague,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to a special scientific seminar on “Recent Advancement in Genito-Urinary Malignancies”. The renowned Urologist Prof. Dr. Muhammed Saduzzaman Chowdhury, Professor & Chairman, Department of Urology, New York Medical College, USA will present the key note paper.

Prof. Dr. Md. Manajjir Ali, Principal, North East Medical College, Sylhet will preside the seminar.

You are invited to attend the seminar in time.



North East Medical College




Date :      17th February 2019, Sunday

Time:      11.00 AM.

Venue: No-1 Fahim Lecture Gallery (2nd floor)

North East Medical College

South Surma, Sylhet.

Key Note Speaker:  

Prof. Dr. Muhammed Saduzzaman Chowdhury


Prof. Dr. M. A Monaf

Professor & Head

Department of Urology

North East Medical College



Prof. Dr. Md. Manajjir Ali


Dr. Md. Sabbir Hossain